Multivision Helps Southern Glazers Reach 20,000 Employees

When you do business in 44 states and want to reach all of your employees including those in Canada and The Virgin Islands  and you don’t want to create  a traveling nightmare- you hold a nationally broadcasted video stream. That’s what Multivision was asked to do-along with creating  all the content for the 60-minute broadcast.

The show emanated from the fabulous Faena Hotel on Miami beach and included a Multivision created opening theme song, multiple pre-recorded presentations, and some humorous interludes and transitions. A huge LED video backdrop acted as a set for the talk show theme and a 5 camera shoot brought the show together and made for a seamless technical presentation.  “It’s not easy to make a compelling and fun presentation that can appeal to employees of all levels-but, that’s what we did and it was very well-received” explained company president Bob Berkowitz.
Creating video streamed meetings is “the rage” these days and we are doing more of them- but the difficult part is making them upbeat, fun, informative and entertaining- and getting the “production values” right. The proof is how many people stay tuned into the stream and watched the whole show. Multivision  and our client  Southern Glazers were very pleased.